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1. The name oft he Association shall be the ‘Yorkshire Senior Ladies’ Golf
The Aims of the Association shall be:
• To co-ordinate and promote the development of golf for amateur l ady golfers who are 50 years of age and over.
• To organise and select a representative team to compete in the Northern Counties Richardson Trophy.
• To organise and run a County championship and other golf matches and competitions.
2. The Officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Captain, Vice-Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Competition Secretary.
The Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Competition Secretary shall hold office for a minimum period of three years and a maximum of five years and shall be ineligible for re-election for one year.
3. The President will be nominated by the Past Captains and shall hold office for a period of two years. The President will be invited to attend all meetings and will have a vote.
The Captain will be nominated by the Past Captains.
Officials and up to 6 Committee Members shall be proposed and seconded by members of the Association, Clubs or the Committee. Members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Committee members will be elected for a maximum of 3 years and may stand for re-election for a further 3 years following the end of the initial term. Having served 6 years, they will be ineligible for re-election the following year.
The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies in their number, or in the Officers of the Association, occurring after the Annual General Meeting. Members so co-opted shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of those in whose place they were co-opted.
4. The Chair at all Committee meetings of the Association will be taken by the Captain, or in her absence the Vice-Captain or a member of the Committee elected before proceeding with the business of the meeting. The Chair shall have the casting vote.
Seven members of the Committee shall form a QUORUM. The Annual General Meeting of the Association will be Chaired by the President, who will have the casting vote.
5. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee, or at the request of at least twenty five members of the Association from a minimum of TEN Clubs.
6. The Annual General Meeting shall be held within five weeks of the year end at 30th September.
7. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all Clubs having members in the Association, no later than 1st June in any year.
8. Nominations for Officials and Committee Members, with names of proposer and seconder, must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, by 31st August in any year.
9. Propositions for the Annual General Meeting, with names of proposer and seconder, must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, by 31st August in any year.
10.The Agenda, nominations for Committee and any propositions received from members of the Association, will be circulated to Clubs by the Hon. Secretary by 7th October in any year.
11. No new rule, alteration or addition to an existing rule shall be made, save by a majority of members present and voting at a General Meeting.
12. All individual members of the Association are entitled to vote at a General Meeting.
13. The Committee may make alterations to Competition Rules without reference to a General Meeting.
14. Conditions of Membership:
a) To be an amateur lady golfer aged 50 years or over. To be a playing member of a recognised Golf Club with Yorkshire County affiliation and not to be a member of any other County Veteran or County Senior Ladies’ Golf Association. To have a handicap index when initially joining of 35.0 or less, however this may increase over the years.
b) Annual membership subscription to be paid by January 1st.
c) Life members to be confirmed annually by January 1st.
d) Additional annual memberships for new members reaching 50 years of age and attaining 35.0 handicap index or less after January 1st to be paid prior to playing in any YSLGA match or competition and before 30th September.
15. The YSLGA Past Captains’ Group is a sub-committee of the YSLGA