President's Page

Sarah Arrowsmith

Woodsome Hall GC

President’s Report – 25 March 2024
It seems a long time since I became your President for 2024/2025. The winter months have been awful, with severe rain and at times snow, with very little golf. Hopefully the weather will improve. As I write this the sun is shining but the wind is bitter.

With the change of name from Veteran to Senior, the Committee have been working tirelessly since the AGM to put everything in place for the start of the season.

I am looking forward to watching all the Richardson Trophy matches and any other matches which the 1st & 2nd Teams play. I am playing in some of the competitions and will be on the desk, but I wish to meet as many members as possible during the season.

I do hope the weather will be good and we have some lovely sunny days and excellent golf.

Sarah Arrowsmith
