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1931 The President of Yorkshire Ladies County Golf Association, Mrs J. Harland
received a challenge from the Lancashire Branch of the Veteran Ladies Golf
association and it was arranged to play at Lytham St Anne’s on September 27th
Yorkshire beat Lancashire by one match. At this event the Yorkshire players
discussed forming a branch of the Association.

1932 On June 22nd Mrs Thomson (Leeds) Mrs Day (Dewsbury) and Mrs Harland (Ilkley)
met in Ilkley to form the Association.

They proposed that the conditions of membership would be:
1) To have attained the age of 50 years
2) To be a member of a recognised Golf Club in the County.
The annual subscription to be 5/-
An open meeting to be held on 28th September.
39 subscriptions were received in the first year.
First home County match to be held at Ilkley and the team was Mrs Jeken,
Mrs Bland, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Day, Mrs Gale, Mrs Riddell and Mrs Melrose,
Res. Miss.Richardson.
Mrs J. Harland was elected as Captain and Miss E A Richardson (Baildon) as
Mrs Wardle (Alwoodley) sent £3-0-0 for the prize fund.
First Open meeting held at Ilkley – Gross prize-Mrs Campbell
1st Handicap Prize -Mrs Nicholson
Sealed holes - Lady Grant Lawson
Sweep - Mrs Bland
2nd Div Gross – Mrs Schofield
2nd Div Handicap - Mrs Hepworth
Sealed holes - Mrs Miller, Mrs Whitehead, Sweep-Mrs Boyce and Mrs Hartley
It was proposed that all members of any Veteran Association should be eligible to
compete in the YVLGA meeting. This was carried.
The Committee decided to hold a putting competition at the next Open meeting.

1933 Mrs E.Mackenzie became President and Mrs Wardle (Alwoodley) Vice President.
North v South Match arrangements left to the Captain also Yorks. v Lancs. match.
Mrs Wardle presented a Trophy – the first score in each division – medal round to
play off on handicap in the afternoon.
The Hon. Sec reported a balance of £5.8.10 in the Bank.
Meetings were then held at the Metropole Hotel, Leeds
Mrs Harland (Captain) was asked to arrange the team to play Lancashire at
Fairhaven. She wrote to Mrs Bland (7) Moortown , Mrs Thomson (7) Leeds,
Mrs Jeken (8) Middlesborough, Mrs Riddell (8) Leeds, Mrs Day (9), Dewsbury ,
Miss Richardson (9) Baildon and Mrs Sproat (13). Match won by Lancs 5-2.
Prizes for the best gross, afternoon foursomes competition and putting competition
were given by players and Committee, entrance fee of 2/- to cover all events.

1933 September 19th at the Committee meeting, Mrs Harland suggested a change of
name to ‘ Seniors instead of Veterans ’ and it was reported that the general opinion
was that the original name should be retained. Arrangements for N v S match and
the Lancs v Yorks match for 1934 were discussed and Lancs. asked for a Harrogate
Club to be approached.

1934 An open meeting as suggested by Lancashire to be held following the N v S match,
the course having been promised for both events by Pannal.
Team to represent the North to be:
Mrs Gwynne (Yorks), Mrs Forbes –Cooper (Lancs), Mrs Thomson (Yorks)
Mrs Bland (Yorks) Mrs Merryweather (Yorks) Mrs Neilson (N’land).
At the General meeting at Harrogate Starbeck, 28 members were present from a
total membership of 68.It was suggested that a match might be arranged against the
Yorkshire 2nd County team.

1935 Joint Committee meeting held with Lancs at Formby. Present Lady Fell in the chair
and Mrs Lloyd-Jones, Mrs Herron, Mrs Leggatt (Lancs)
Mrs Harland, Day, Bland and Miss Richardson .Mrs Harland proposed that a
selection Committee should be appointed to select the North team for the N v S
match consisting of the Captain and Hon.Sec. of each County. Teams of seven
players, with no foursomes, should play to a finish, eliminating any draw.
Lancashire promised to consider the suggestion.
Match v the South was played at Wentworth, Mrs Bland, Thomson and Buchan
playing in the North team representing Yorkshire. £1 was allocated to each player
when playing in the South.
Miss Richardson retired from Secretary owing to business commitments, Mrs
Walsh took over her role.

1936 Mrs Thomson elected as Vice Captain to follow Mrs Harland.

1937 Joint meeting held with Lancashire and agreed that the Captaincy of the North
should be held by rotation, Lancs. to take the lead in 1937 , Yorks 1938 and

Mrs Wardle retired and Mrs Chalker was elected as Vice President, Mrs Buchan
(Bradford) to be the next Vice Captain.
Two golf meetings to be held, one in the Spring, one in the Autumn, the Wardle
trophy for the Autumn meeting.
It was proposed that all members of the Association should be Yorkshire born or
resident in the County.

1938 17th February, the Committee were told of the death of Mrs Harland who had been
so instrumental in founding the Veteran Ladies Association in Yorkshire.
A letter of condolence was sent expressing the Committee’s sympathy and sincere
appreciation for the important services Mrs Harland rendered to golf generally and
to the Y.V.L.G.A. in particular.

1939 Yorks. played both Lancs. and Cheshire but by September 7th the Captain
Mrs N. Buchan (Bradford) wrote cancelling the next meeting owing to the outbreak
of war. The Veterans’ Cup –presented by Mrs Wardle was placed in safe keeping at
Messrs Fattorini and Sons Ltd, Tyrrel St, Bradford

1947 Following the war, 29 members met at Bradford Golf Club, Mrs Buchan took the
chair as the last elected Captain. She informed the meeting that Mrs Mackenzie, the
President had died, the Hon Secretary and Treasurer had resigned and
Mrs Ballantyne had left Yorkshire.

Appreciation was expressed for the work of Mrs Walsh the last Hon.Sec.
The Chairman proposed that Mrs Thomson be elected Captain for the coming year.
Mrs Snape (Sandmoor) suggested that the old Committee be re- elected with Miss
Richardson (now Bradford) co-opted. Mrs Snook (Bradford ) to be Hon.Sec. with
Mrs Vinter, Hon. Treas. A Competition was held and things began to return to

1948 A competition for the Wardle Trophy was held, best nett score to take the cup.
Mrs Bland retired from the Committee and they extended grateful thanks for her
long service to the Association.

The question of sisters playing golf in Competitions together was discussed and
decided that it would not be allowed.
Wardle cup presented to Mrs Hall (Sandmoor) 101-24-77 nett
1949 Prizes for the Competitions continued to be donated and sweeps were divided up.
Competition cards 1/6, optional sweeps of 1/-
, putting cards 3d each.
North v South played at Hoylake, Mrs Swinscoe and Mrs Leetham to represent
Yorks. Teams were to pay their own expenses but the North to pay for cocktails,
wines and tips. First printed timesheet sent out.
Mrs Stork made an Honorary Life Member of Yorkshire Vets.
Spring meeting at Alwoodley, 72 ladies played in the morning and 62 in the 9 hole
foursomes in the afternoon. Mrs Booth (Cobble Hall) raffled a home made cake,
proceeds to County funds.

The winner of the Wardle Trophy to receive £2.2.0. Cash in hand at Bank £45.18.4.
1950 Mrs C. Elliott (Hallamshire) offered to present a trophy, the Elliott Cup. It was
decided that this should be played for at the Spring meeting-for best nett score. A
Special prize for the Over 60’s to be paid from funds. Players in the North v South
team to be sent £2.2.0.and £1.1.0 to be allocated for playing in Yorkshire matches
away from home.

Miss Richardson proposed that the Committee should consist of Captain, Vice
Capt, Hon. Secretary., Hon Treasurer and six members with the ex Captain as ex-
officio. After 1951, two members are to retire for one year automatically by length
of service.
Courtesy of the course still granted for Competitions. Mrs Thomson proposed that
the best nett score in Div 1 wins the Wardle Cup and the best in div 2 wins the
Elliott Cup.

In December a meeting was held at the Metropole Hotel Leeds. Present;
Mrs Allsop (Northumberland) in the chair, Mrs Temple Dobell, Mrs Longden,
Mrs Cushing (all Cheshire) Mrs Vaugh (Durham) Mrs Forbes –Cooper (Lancs) Mrs
Snook, Miss Richardson and Mrs Hamilton (all Yorks). It was unanimously decided
to form the Northern Veteran Ladies Association. Counties with 100 or over
membership to pay £1 and those under 100 members 10/-
The Richardson Cup was presented by Miss Richardson (Captain Y.V.L.G.A.) and
her mother Mrs Richardson and was won by Yorkshire in 1950. Northumberland,
Lancashire and Cheshire also competed. Miss Richardson was Captain of Baildon
1921,22 and 23.

1951 Committee for the year- Captain, Mrs Hamilton (Sandmoor), V.Capt. Mrs Swinscoe
(Dore and Totley) Miss Richardson ex Capt and Mrs Day, Mrs Buchan, Mrs Sproat,
Mrs Thomson, Mrs Carmichael, Mrs Harrap, Mrs Snook (Hon Sec) Mrs Vintner
(Hon Treas) Travelling expenses to be doubled, however at the next meeting this
was rescinded as the expenses would have exceeded the total of subscriptions.
The Committee meeting was held at Shipley Golf club, the hot lunch was 5/- and it
was agreed that at the Spring Meeting no foursomes should start later than 4.0 pm.
Putting to be limited to two rounds of 9 holes. 100 members took part. The Elliott
Trophy was won by Mrs North (West.Bradford.)
It was agreed to challenge the Yorkshire Ladies County team in September. This
was played at Alwoodley and the Veterans team beaten 5-2 but 4 matches finished
1 up.

Committee joined by Mrs Barrett (Horsforth) and Mrs Snowden. Yorkshire played
Northumberland and won 5-2.

1952 Decided to limit entries for the Elliott Trophy to 100.
Printed note paper ordered to be stamped in RED if possible !
Mrs Barrett proposed as Vice Captain elect and Mrs Walkland (Moortown)
co-opted to the Committee. Mrs Harrap kindly offered a trophy to be played for at
Spring meetings –a medal round open to all players in the bronze division. It will
be a silver Salver and known as the Harrap Trophy. Yorkshire to purchase team
badges using the same shape as Lancs, the red rose to be replaced by the white
Yorkshire rose. A County Flag is to be purchased, but the manufacturers had to
delay the order until after the Coronation – a design was agreed.
1953 The Vice Captain, Mrs Barrett, informed the committee that Miss E. Richardson had
died. She was Secretary from 1932-36 and Captain in 1950, when she gave the
Richardson Cup which is still competed for by the Northern Counties V.L.G.A. Her
keen interest for many years was acknowledged and a minutes silence followed.
Sadly Mrs Stork passed away, she had been the only Hon.Life. member. Mrs Day, a
founder member also died and was fondly remembered by the Lady Captain.
Elliott Trophy winner Miss Benson (Scarboro S.C.)
Harrop Trophy winner Miss Tesseyman (Moortown)
Spring meeting 1954 to be held at Scarcroft and the Association now has 218
members from 38 Clubs. Mrs Hartley (Brough) won both the Yorkshire
Championship and the Northern Championship and reached the finals of the
English. The Vice Captain commented that Mrs Harrap had been an outstanding
Captain. Mrs Sproat retired after 21 years service.
1954 The Autumn meeting at Hawkeswoth made a profit of £10.11.11.
At Scarcroft, Mrs Somerville gave details-Lunch @ 5/- afternoon tea 2/-
, best gross
prize presented by Scarcroft ladies. Mrs Somerville entertained the Committee to
Elliott Trophy winner Mrs Carmichael (Brough)
Harrap Trophy winner Mrs Coleman (Middleton Park) Mrs Barrett again won the
best gross. Prizes presented by Miss Watson the Scarcroft Captain.
Entry of 164 ladies from a total of 242 for the Horsforth Autumn meeting.
1955 £3.3.0 donated to the International match fund.
The Committee had been asked to consider raising the age limit to 55, but officials
from the South, who were the parent body, were not in favour. It was decided to
hold an 18 hole stroke competition in the Spring and Foursomes at the Autumn
meeting. Mrs Fenton (Horsforth ) proposed that the foursomes event should be for
the Wardle trophy. Foursomes Competition to be played at Northcliffe and a long
discussion followed as to whether the ladies should be asked to drive across the
ravine on the first hole. In the event, there were 120 entries from 24 clubs, who
drove the ravine.
Mrs Snook elected Captain of the North and Mrs Barrett Vice Captain. North v
South competition held at Harrogate, previously held in Yorkshire – 1938.
1956 Entry to the Spring meeting at Alwoodley 186 ladies from 32 clubs, however the
Course was covered with 3 inches of snow and abandoned. Lunch was served and
a bridge drive was held.
A Lady Captains brooch was purchased similar to the one recently purchased by
the Lancs. Assn., green enamel, with Captain in Silver lettering.
The first winners of the Wardle trophy in the foursomes format were Mrs Millward
and Mrs Tate (Sandmoor) 100-26-74
1957 A suggested summer meeting was left in abeyance owing to petrol rationing.
Clubs continue to give courtesy of the course –Hornsea and Ganton offering for
1958. Requests from members of South Yorks. to hold a meeting in their area-
Thrybergh was approached. Prizes for most Competitions donated by the
Committee. A victorious North team had 4 Yorkshire ladies –Mrs Hartley, Mrs
Barrett, Mrs Marwood and Mrs Smith. Mrs Vintner retired having been a
Committee member since 1947.
1958 Wardle trophy suffered a broken ivory handle which was repaired under ‘all risks’
policy. Owing to the numbers increasing in the Bronze div. it was divided into two
sections 19 to29 and 30 to 36. Mrs Snape, the Hon. Treasurer proposed that ‘for all
County matches, when travelling is necessary, the cost of bed and breakfast be
’2nd team arranged to play Durham. Proposed that the AGM be held in
October. Balance in bank was £ 213.11.4.
1959 Mrs Berry (Hallowes) suggested the best 8 gross scores play off for a Veterans’s
1960 Discussed at the AGM and agreed that the best 8 play on neutral courses, results
sent to Hon.Sec. and a semi final and final be played on May 23rd
Following a N.V.L.G.A. meeting Dec.5th of which Yorkshire had no prior notice,
the North v South Jamboree was discussed. A further meeting in London proposed
that the Jamboree should be played in Scotland –Gullane or Troon
South v Scotland
North v Scotland
North v South
Teams of 8 suggested and a dinner to be held. Four Yorkshire ladies represented the
North, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Drake, Mrs Hartley and Mrs Marwood. They beat the
South but lost to Scotland.
The Yorkshire Committee felt that travelling expenses would be heavy and asked if
there was to be a rota of venues. There would be further expenses as Durham had
joined the N.V.L.G.A and in their first year won the Richardson Trophy. This was
the first year of the Yorkshire Championship and Mrs E.M.Hartley was the worthy
winner. A silver salver was presented by Mrs E. Walkland (Moortown).
Mrs Angus smith appointed Secretary of the North and she was asked to put
forward a resolution that ‘the expenses of the players chosen for the Jamboree
should be shared by ALL the Counties’
Letter received from the V.L.G.A. London ‘It was unanimously agreed to rescind all
Affiliation fees and to make those Associations paying these fees Honorary
affiliated Members’ from January 1961
1961 Jamboree held at Deal and agreed that all hotel expenses be paid by the V.L.G.A.
The Midlands joined in the Jamboree.
214 entries for both Spring and Autumn meetings and 178 and 198 ladies played.
1962 Alterations made to Bronze division, now 19-24 and 25-36.
Mrs R. Thomson, founder member in 1932, Mrs Riddell, Mrs Sproat and Mrs
Buchan be invited to become Hon.Life Members. Decided 16 to qualify for
matchplay Championship. 305 entries for the Spring meeting at Alwoodley and 200
members actually played
£90 to be given to the Captain to cover expenses
1963 Concern expressed at the large number of entries and it was agreed that no
individual entry forms would be sent, forms to Club secretaries only. Numbers for
matchplay Championship play off reverted to 8.
The Hon. Treasurer suggested that Life Membership be instituted at £3.3.0 , this
would include the entrance fee. New members commencing 1964 to pay entrance
fee 5/-
, yearly membership fee 5/-
1964 Mrs H. Drake (Cleckheaton) appointed Captain of the North for 1965.
Suggested to save expense that all county matches be played in one week on the
same course. The Jamboree was held at Gleneagles. 9 ladies paid their
subscriptions to qualify as Life members, the total membership was 400
1965 Mrs Hamilton died, she was a great stalwart of Yorkshire golf..
Owing to the large number of entries it was proposed that the Silver and Bronze
Spring meeting be played on separate days. Suggestion during the Jamboree that a
player with professional status be allowed to play. Yorkshire felt that County and
North matches were for amateurs and this was duly recorded.
Mrs E. Hartley offered a trophy for a five club competition, the Committee
decided that the handicap limit should be 24 and entries up to 120
1966 The flag was stolen from the Hon Sec’s storeroom the insurance company were
unwilling to admit liability and so a new replica was purchased, as the 1953
The Jamboree was held at Royal Liverpool Golf Club and history made as the ‘first
ever Ladies Dinner’ was held. Mrs Hartley and Mrs S. Wood represented Yorkshire
and the North. The first winner of the E.M.Hartley trophy was Mrs Clamber
(Skipton).Yet again Mrs Hartley won the Championship and The Walkland Trophy.
Raising the age limit to 55 was mentioned at Committee but rejected.
The minutes constantly refer to the generosity and donation of prizes by Captains
and Committee members and ladies on whose course the events are held. Much of
the time is spent on allocating these prizes.
1967 At the North meeting it was decided that each County should contribute £5 to help
run the Jamboree. Yorkshire suggested this should be £10 -.and this was agreed
upon. The position of President of the North to be in rotation every 3 years.
44 Life members and funds are buoyant from the excellent entries for each
Competition. Captain’s expenses increased to five guineas.
The putting competition continued.
1968 Vote at the North Meeting against allowing Southern division members to play in
Northern competitions. The North successful in the Jamboree at Gleneagles, last
victory 1962. Yorks. still receiving courtesy of the Courses. It was pointed out by the
Secretary that as soon as the fixtures were ready they were printed in ‘Fairway and
.Mrs Barrett won the Championship, Mrs Hartley being the worthy winner
from 1960 to 1967.
1969 Proposal to change format of Jamboree to all foursomes instead of singles, but to
change partners.
1970 Mrs Walkland (Hon.Sec) and Mrs Snape ( Hon. Treas) retired after many years in
office. Mrs Snape had been treasurer since 1955 and Captain in 1960, Mrs Walkland
had been Secretary for the last 16 years.
-gifts were presented. Jamboree to be held at
Ganton with the dinner at the Pavilion Hotel Scarborough, at a cost of 37/6.
£100 donation from the North ,towards expenses and Yorkshire to be responsible
for the rest, which amounted to £21. The trophy was won by the South. There are
now 360 paid up members including 86 Life members. Mrs Everard was thanked
for her year as Captain and she had proved a worthy representative for the Country
both home and abroad.
1971 The holders of the trophies were asked to take them to be re valued for insurance
purposes. The Lady Captain, Mrs J Stringer and Mrs Latham both of Garforth won
the Wardle Foursomes trophy. Finances down as brooches were purchased and
insurance increased.
1972 Club Treasurers asked to send all the Vets’ Subscriptions direct to the Hon Treas.
Finances improved from holding successful Competitions and it was suggested by
the treasurer that the County purchase more of the prizes rather than relying on
generosity of members.
1973 It was agreed to limit the Five Club Competition to 120 and the foursomes to 100
couples. Suggested that the team members wear uniform green cardigans to be
bought by the individuals with a possible badge and it was approved that
Committee members purchase these to wear when on duty. The team of ladies, 7
handicap and under won the Richardson trophy, the first time for 9 years. They
halved with the Yorkshire County team after heavy defeats for the past 22 years.
Mrs Sybil Smith (Huddersfield) was proposed as President of the Northern
1974 Mrs Morrell agreed to be Captain of the Northern Counties and Yorkshire again
won the Richardson Trophy.
1975 On a roll, the Richardson trophy won by Yorkshire and they also defeated the
County team.
The Captain expressed the regret of all members at the death of Mrs Ethel Hartley.
a great loss to golf and in particular to the Yorkshire Vets.
1976 Finance was reviewed and entry fees for Competitions up to £1, enrolment up 50p
and Life membership to be £5.We had 219 Life members 414 ordinary members
from 63 clubs.
1977 A book to be created with the rules and regulations governing membership
explained, including present members and officials of the Committee.
The Putting Competition is still being played.249 Life and 445 ordinary members.
1978 Proposed by the Treasurer that £15.00 be sent to each of the Clubs allowing the
Courtesy of the Course. Past Captains brooch to be purchased for the retiring
Captain. Financial balance now £1160-63 and the Ass. would be able to buy all the
prizes this year.
1979 Easingwold proposed that the age for membership should be raised to 55, this
would make competition entries less and being aged 50 was now comparatively
young. The Northern Counties was against the proposal.
Wardle Trophy repaired by Owen and Robinsons at a cost of £16.0.0. The Lady
Captain, Mrs Ward (Scarcroft) thanked Mrs Boyle and Mrs Dudleston for their ten
and twelve years service as Treasurer and Secretary. Miss H. Sowden was elected
Captain of the North.
1980 The 5 trophies to be re-valued for Insurance purposes. The North won the Miller
Stirling trophy, the first time since 1968.Yorkshire had 2 representatives Miss
McIntyre (Lindrick) and Mrs Nan Hirst (Meltham) Expenses this year had been
very reasonable and Sand Moor had not charged for Committee meetings. rooms.
Suggestions were requested-
‘how to dispose of surplus funds’
1981 Cumberland and Westmorland were elected to the Northern Counties Association
The Barrett trophy was presented by Mrs Clarke on behalf of the family of the late
Mrs Barrett who had been Captain of the Y.V.L.G.A. and a talented team member,
involved in Vets golf over many years.
Mrs H. Hyde was the first winner of the trophy- gross 84 when the event was held
at Wetherby Golf Club. Once again the North won the Jamboree , Mrs Hirst, Miss
Kendall, and Miss McIntyre representing Yorkshire.
1982 Team expenses given to the Captain were £700 and a cheque for £50 was given to
the Captain. A cheque for £15 to be given to the Champion and £10 to the runners
up (to buy their own prizes). .Mrs Hirst again played for the North and won 4 of
her 5 matches. Still receiving courtesy of the Courses, profit from Competitions
£386.18 annual subs. £186.50.
1983 New flag purchased at a cost of £28.00.County sweaters to be ordered in either navy
or grey, grey were purchased and worn with grey skirts or slacks. The team
contributed £10 per head for matches.
Concern about the increasing number of Life members causing annual income to
fall so it was proposed to increase it to £10.00 and yearly subscription to £1, as a
result 67 Life members joined, paying £5 before the price increase. Bronze meeting
held at Wheatley , Mrs Cawthorne (Bradford) winner of the Harrap Trophy. A
match with the Senior men was fixed at Lindrick .Clubs to be sent £20 for the use of
the Course.
1984 Miss McIntyre elected Captain of the North and Mrs Barker-Secretary/Treasurer.
Discussion to change the name Veterans to ‘Senior citizens’ but if it came up at the
AGM the Committee would vote to leave it as it was at present. We won the
Richardson trophy, the last time was 1975 Carol Otley, Joan Hall and Mollie Wilson
received Team brooches .Expenditure for the Northern Championship was £500
and the Treasurer Mrs Morrell hoped for continued courtesy of the Course.
Discussion to make the Ethel Hartley a Stableford Competition to speed things up –
1985 Victory in the Richardson Trophy.
An English Vets Committee was formed to deal with European Affairs and an
England 1st and 2nd team selected. The putting competitions are receiving less
support and so would not be held that year. Fees up to £2 per Comp and £3
foursomes. Officials and team members only allowed to wear sweaters.44 names
with handicaps of 5 or under willing to play for the North.. New Northern Vets
Inaugural Championship to be set up, held at Whitley Bay, first round qualifying
with 16 going on to matchplay, handicap limit 12 .From 56 entries Val Stone
(Northumberland )was the winner .Again discussed changing name to ‘Seniors’
English Ladies Senior Championship began –handicap limit 5-entries were very
1986 Yorkshire winning the Richardson Trophy and the North the Jamboree. Mrs Barker
(Lindrick) elected as North President. Membership now 675 Life members and 347
yearly members from 79 Clubs. The committee voted that Committee officials
should be in office for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5.
1987 As Mrs Morrell was to retire, Mr Morrell agreed to be the ‘acting’ Treasurer pro tem
and Mrs Durrans, the Secretary. agreed to report to the meetings.
Miss B.Dale (Ilkley ) won the Elliot Trophy and the Best Gross and Barrett trophy at
Brough 75-9-66. Mrs A.Kay and Miss McIntyre played in the Jamboree and we
retained the Richardson trophy.
1988 The AGM to be held on a separate day at SandMoor Club. From the Silver Div the
16 best scores are to qualify for match play, automatic draw and matches to follow
on the same course. Gross and Nett Team events to be included at the Northern
Championship. Bronze Div at Northcliffe, hole in one, Mrs Renshaw (SandMoor)
Silver Div meeting Ilkley,
-Holes in one Mrs M..Williams ,Headingley and
Mrs D. Dewhurst Shipley Northcliffe at the 15th
.The Richardson trophy was
1369 members, 417 ordinary and 952 Life members from 94 clubs all playing golf in
our wonderful County –Yorkshire.
The rest is still vividly in our memory and the dedicated Captains and Committees
who have guided us through the last 20 years. So I leave another Secretary to catch
up with recent events.
2018 Karen Jobling (Richmond) & Julie Wheeldon (Wakefield) selected to play in the Jamboree
team for the North at Hexham Golf Club. On a punishing course, the Northern Team finished
runners up, winning the Tony Moffat Quaich.
Karen Jobling (Richmond) was selected to represent England in the R&A Seniors Home
Bet Sworowski & Julie Wheeldon (Wakefield) won the Brenda King Foursomes at Brough GC
in October.
2019 It was Yorkshire’s turn to host the YVLGA Northern Championships which were held at
Rotherham GC. Karen Jobling (Richmond) was top qualifier with a score of 77. The
Championship was won by Caroline Berry (Cheshire). Yorkshire took the honours in the
second flight competition with Angela Morris (Brough) beating Julia Smith (Rotherham) in the
Yorkshire were nudged into second place by Cheshire in the Richardson Trophy matches –
losing to Cheshire 3-4 at Royal Liverpool – so close!
Karen Jobling (Richmond), Julie Wheeldon (Wakefield) & Bet Sworowski (Wakefield) were
selected to play in the Northern Team at the Jamboree held at Northamptonshire County GC
in August &, once again, were runners-up, retaining the Tony Moffat Quaich.
Julie Wheeldon (Wakefield) played in the victorious English Team at the European Team
Championships at BlackSeaRama GC in Bulgaria in September. She has also been selected
to represent England in the R&A Senior Home Internationals at County Sligo in October.
Membership: 1371 Annual Members, 452 Life Members = Total 1,852
2020 We started the year with such optimism which was soon to be dashed as the Covid 19
coronavirus overwhelmed the country which was plunged into total lockdown from March.
Although we were allowed to play golf from May, clubhouses were still closed & groups
permitted to play together was limited. Social distancing & the wearing of masks became the
order of the day. The YVLGA committee took the difficult decision to cancel all competitions
before June &, as time went on, it was clear that we would not be able to hold any events in
2020, such were the restrictions. It was decided that subscriptions would be rolled over to
2021. England Golf & the YLCGA were also slashing their calendars, the NCVLGA cancelled
the Richardson Trophy & the Jamboree was also cancelled. Committee meetings continued
to held online as we faced preparations for the World Handicap System which was due to be
introduced in November this year. This will mean that our individual competitions (Spring,
Championship & Autumn meetings) will be qualifying for handicap purposes. This has
necessitated purchase of new software (Club V1) so that we can return scores for handicap
adjustments. It is anticipated that handicap indices will be higher than existing handicaps at
the outset so the committee decided to increase limits for competition entry to ensure the
majority of members would still be eligible. This may need revision in the future. Restrictions
were still in place in October so the AGM was cancelled & reports from officials emailed to
members. The committee of past captains asked the Captain to repeat her year & the
membership was asked to approve the extension of the terms of office by one year for the all
other committee members who wished to continue. The committee has also sought approval
from the membership to investigate the benefits of incorporation.
One item of good news! Karen Jobling (Richmond GC) won the Brenda King Foursomes at
Michinhampton GC with her partner Helen Lowe from Leicestershire.
2021 Fortunately, Covid restrictions were eased on the same day as our first planned competition,
the Spring Meeting at Kirkbymoorside GC. It would be some time before competitions would
feel ‘normal’ but all events were completed. Members were obviously delighted to be out again
although caution was still the watchword.
Our 2021 Champion was Bet Sworowski (Wakefield) who beat Heather Butcher (Wakefield)
in the final.
Yorkshire was well represented at the NCVLGA Championships at Bishop Auckland with
Karen Jobling losing in the final to Cath Rawthore (Cheshire) & Tracey Batty winning the
Second Flight competition on the second extra hole.
Disappointment again in the Richardson Trophy as we beat hot favourites Cheshire but a loss
to Northumberland meant coming up short by 2.5 points on countback to Cheshire –
champions for the 5th time in succession.
There was success for Sam Harben & Cathy Riley (Hallamshire) who won the Brenda King
Foursomes nett prize at Wollaton Park GC, Nottingham.
We had 2 representatives, Bet Sworowski & Karen Jobling, at the Jamboree at Glenbervie
GC, Falkirk. Another close run but runners up again by half a point to the South.
Membership: 1,408 Annual Members, 361 Life Members = Total 1,769
2022 Life returned to normal after all the restrictions of the previous year. In her first year as a
YVLGA, Emma Brown (Malton & Norton) won the Championship at Richmond beating Karen
Jobling (Richmond) in the final. Emma went on to win the YLCGA Championship at Alwoodley
the following week and is the first woman to hold both titles since Ethel Hartley in 1960. Emma
also won the YLCGA Senior title. She also won the Senior Champion of Champions by 8
shots from her nearest challenger and has been selected to represent England in the Home
Internationals in Wales. A truly fantastic first year as a Senior player!
Karen Jobling had the best score (level par over 36 holes) in the qualifying round of the
English Senior Women’s Amateur Championship at High Post GC.
Karen was again in fine form at the NCVLGA Championship at Penrith GC, winning the best
gross on qualifying day. Other qualifiers were Julie Wheeldon, Bet Sworowski (Wakefield),
Heather Staniforth (Hallamshire), Pat Wrightson (Huddersfield) and Elaine Pearson
(Keighley). Qualifiers in the second flight were Carol Simpson (Malton & Norton), Jackie
Starkie (Keighley) and Anne Flintoff (Bingley St Ives).
Disappointment again in the Richardson Trophy when we were pipped again by Cheshire by
just half a point.
There were successes again at the Brenda King Foursomes event at The Mere Resort with
Karen Jobling & Helen Lowe (Leicestershire) winning the gross competition which they last
held in 2020 & Sam Harben & Cathy Riley (Hallamshire) retained their nett title won at
Wollaton Park, Notts.
There were unprecedented temperatures this year which led to the postponement of the 4BBb
at Keighley in mid July as temperatures were up in the high 30s & it was considered unsafe.
High temperatures also meant the Jamboree was shortened to 8 singles on the final day at
Moor Park GC, Rickmansworth. The course was parched (as were the players!) & the
Northern team were edged into 3rd place but look forward to hosting the event at Huddersfield
next year.
The funeral of HM Elizabeth II on September 19th meant that the AM AM at Waterton Park
scheduled for the same day had to be postponed to September 28th as a mark of respect.
Membership: 1,218 Annual Members, 353 Life Members = Total 1,570
Annual subscription fees were raised from £5 to £8 due to steeply rising costs.
2023 A field of 84 competitors returned to Huddersfield for The Championship in cold but dry
conditions – no problem for defending Champion Emma Brown (Malton & Norton) who took
her second title on the 14th green, defeating Heather Butcher (Ganton) who was playing in
her second final.
Yorkshire had 8 qualifiers for the NCVLGA Championships at Arcot Hall – Karen Jobling
(Richmond), Heather Butcher (Ganton), Julie Wheeldon (Wakefield), Jane Oliver
(Hallamshire), Mary Pat Moore (Bingley St Ives), Angela Morris (Beverley), Elaine Pearson
(Keighley) & Pat Wrightson (Huddersfield). Karen Jobling won a tough battle against Cath
Rawthore (Cheshire) 3&2 to win the Championship for the first time since 2005. Second flight
qualifiers were Carol Simpson (Malton & Norton) and Alison Clark (Ganton).
The Jamboree was held very successfully in August at Huddersfield Golf Club with Karen
Jobling, Julie Wheeldon and Heather Butcher selected for inclusion in the winning Northern
Emma Brown took 2nd place in the R&A Women’s Senior Amateur Championships at
Woodhall Spa & Karen Jobling finished 10th. Emma was selected to represent England at the
Senior Home International match at East Kilbride with Karen as a named reserve. Further
success for Emma as she retained her Senior Women’s Champion of Champions with 2
scores of 74, winning by 7 shots.
Sadly, the Richardson Trophy slipped through our grasp again & was won by Cheshire,
despite Yorkshire not losing any matches. The countback went in Cheshire’s favour by 27.5
matches to 25. Colours were awarded to Emma Brown (Malton & Norton) and Alison Clark
Following the rise of Annual Subscription fees, Annual membership has reduced slightly (67)
but the change of competition format for the Spring Meeting & continued full attendance at
most other competitions has meant that finances have stabilised sufficiently to cope with ever-
rising costs.
Membership: 1151 Annual Members, 344 Life Members = Total 1,495